Geomorphometry 2009

Published: Sep 5, 2009 by CarlosGrohmann

Last week we had a very good time at the Geomorphometry 2009 conference, held at the Zürich University (in Switzerland, you know).

Before the conference there were two workshops, one about working with SAGA, GRASS and R combined, hosted by Tom Hengl and me, and the other about reconciling geomorphometry and geomorphology in a field trip, hosted by Oliver Korup.

The workshops were great. In our case, there were 27 students, all very keen to learn. Those were two intense days, running command-line interface apps is not the easiest thing, specially if one comes from the point-and-click world of many applications. In the end, we all enjoyed the workshop, and learned a lot.

Students at the Workshop SAGA+GRASS+R

During the three following days, we had the conference itself. There were about 70 participants, from all the areas of science: geomorphology, geology, ecology, oceanography and more, even aerospace engineering!

Also, some very big names of geomorphometry were there like Ian Evans, Jo Wood and John Gallant.

You can find more information on the Geomorphometry website. There are some pictures of the people and the proceedings are also available.

One big decision was made to create a new scientific society, to gather all scientists working on this exciting field. The next edition is due to 2011, maybe in the USA. Meanwhile, register yourself on the website and keep updated with the latest news!

geomorphometry conference meeting switzerland


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